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A Quick Answer

What's the Difference Between Classic, Antique, and Vintage Cars?

A Quick Answer

If you're short on time, here's a quick answer to your question: Classic cars are typically 20-49 years old. Antique cars are over 45 years old and vintage vehicles are built between 1919 and 1930. The difference between classic vs classic cars is that "classic" is a general term that applies to any car that is considered to be a timeless design.

The Classic vs. Antique Car Debate

While the classic vs. antique cars discussion may not have a clear ending, we can give you a general overview of the different categories. Classic cars are typically considered to be those that were built between 1948 and 1972, and they are often characterized by their sleek designs and powerful engines. Antique cars, on the other hand, are those that were built before 1948, and they are often more simplistic in design and have less powerful engines.

Vintage Vehicles

Vintage vehicles are a bit of a different category, as they are typically defined as being built between 1919 and 1930. These cars are often characterized by their unique designs and the use of wood and metal in their construction. While vintage vehicles are not as common as classic or antique cars, they are still highly sought-after by collectors.


Ultimately, the difference between classic, antique, and vintage cars is a matter of opinion. However, the general guidelines we have provided can help you to better understand the different categories and make an informed decision when it comes to buying or selling a classic car.
